an interface Lockable containing functions- open() and close(). Define 2
classes, File and cupboard that implements Lockable interface with other
details. Call the functions using the variable of Lockable.
//interface Lockable have open().close() abstract methods
interface Lockable
public void open();
public void close();
// implementation of Lockable interface
class File implements Lockable
public void open()
System.out.println("File open()");
public void close()
System.out.println ("File close()");
// implementation of Lockable interface
class Cupboard implements Lockable
public void open()
System.out.println ("Cupboard open()");
public void close()
System.out.println ("Cupboard close()");
class MediaDemo
public static void main(String ad [])
File f = new File(); () ;
f.close () ;
Cupboard c = new Cupboard() ; () ;
c.close () ;
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