Write a Javaprogram to illustrate Java string handling for following functions:

Concatenation of “dbjcollege”,”chiplun”, Reverse of “12721”. Determine whether the two strings:”dbjcollege”,”DBJCollege” are equal or not? Convert  the string “Hello World” to uppercase.

Convert the string “Let Us C”to lowercase.Length of the concatenated string above. 

source file name: stringdemo1.java

class stringdemo1


public static void main(String as[])


System.out.println("string demo program");

String str1="dbjcollege";

String str2="chiplun";

StringBuffer sb1=new StringBuffer("12345");

System.out.println("concatenation of 2 strings "+str1.concat(str2));

System.out.println("reverse string "+sb1.reverse());

System.out.println("equal strings "+"dbjcollege".equals("DbjCollege"));

System.out.println("upper case conversion "+"Hello World".toUpperCase());

System.out.println("lower case conversion "+"Let Us C".toLowerCase());

System.out.println("length of concatenation strings "+str1.length());




D:\JavaPrograms\Misc>javac stringdemo1.java

D:\JavaPrograms\Misc>java stringdemo1
string demo program
concatenation of 2 strings dbjcollegechiplun
reverse string 54321
equal strings false
upper case conversion HELLO WORLD
lower case conversion let us c
length of concatenation strings 10