source file name: Sizeofop.C

#include <stdio.h>

struct student


int   rollno;//2B

char name[15];  //15B

char studclass[8];//8B

char city[15]; //15B

};     // total=40 B

int  main()


int n;

char city[10];

int A[20];

float F[5];

struct student s1;

struct student s[5];


printf("\n Memory of different data types: ");

printf("\n Memory of Integer= %d Bytes",sizeof(int));

printf("\n Memory of Integer= %d Bytes",sizeof(n));

printf("\n Memory of Character= %d Bytes",sizeof(char));

printf("\n Memory of Long= %d Bytes",sizeof(long));

printf("\n Memory of Float= %d Bytes",sizeof(float));

printf("\n Memory of double= %d Bytes",sizeof(double));

printf("\n\n  Memory of different Arrays: ");

printf("\n Memory of Character array = %d Bytes",sizeof(city));

printf("\n Memory of Integer Array= %d Bytes",sizeof(A));

printf("\n Memory of Float Array= %d Bytes",sizeof(F));

printf("\n \n Memory of different strutures data types: ");

printf("\n Memory of structure student= %d Bytes",sizeof(struct student));

printf("\n Memory of array structure student= %d Bytes",sizeof(s));


return 0;

